Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Last night as I was falling asleep I had an interesting experience. I was lying on my back, with awareness being expanded to embrace my entire body and vision and hearing and thoughts. I was giving space to whatever was arising. At some point I crossed the unseen border between waking and sleeping; and I appeared as some kind of enormously light space with no boundaries. For a few moments it was as if I as pure consciousness-awareness was floating in a dark room of nothingness; and there was infinite release and expansion all graspable at the same moment as pure space. There was nothing but a total freedom from anything; as if it was this empty freedom that experienced anything else; and yet at the same time there was nothing else that could be spoken. Last thoughts dissolved. And then the dreaming caught me into its visions; and out of nothing there was manifestation again in which I became involved.

1 comment:

  1. You merged whith who your are: a peace-ful-empty bubble.
